Sunday, September 18, 2016

Off To A Great Start!

The school year is well underway and the students seem to have adjusted nicely! In our middle level ELA class we have been focusing on team-building, creating expectations for how we can work successfully in our collaborative environment, and launching our reader's and writer's workshops! We have discussed our reading goal of becoming critical, passionate, life-long, skilled readers and have considered ways that we can intentionally plan in order to achieve our goal. Students have set reading page goals, and have discussed effective ways to choose books. We have also discussed our writing goal of becoming critical, passionate, life-long, skilled writers. Students have made a plan for how they could achieve this goal. Currently, students are working on autobiography islands and writing pieces as a creative way to share a little about who they are. These are very creative and I am excited to have them up and ready for our October parent conferences!
Here is a sample map from another classroom! (Mrs. Lopez In the Art Room)

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